In a time where the G 20 summit has mixed feelings and demands, it is reassuring to know that there are some places in the world where the word ‘environment’ has been revered with serious action. Sacramento, according to the journal, American bicyclist, ranks fourth in the country for bicycle commuting. Business professionals and specialists are claiming that the use of bicycles is more viable than the regular transport for two reasons – pollution free atmosphere and healthier lifestyles.
The New Year has also brought in the hopes of constructing a new sports and entertainment center ...
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Sac Town is known for its activities in arts and culture. The art forms seen here are theatre arts and visual arts. The Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission established the arts council in 1977. From then on, this council is vigorously providing many programs of art in the city. These programs can be in the form of Arts education or arts at public places. Special programs are also conducted to bring art lovers and pioneers together.
One such program was recently conducted at a church in Sac Town.
On a beautiful Sunday morning in the midtown of Sac Town, a dozen of teenage boys ...
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Volunteers of America launches turkey drive for Sacramento’s needy
Buzz up!
By Bill Lindelof
Published: Monday, Nov. 2, 2009 - 7:23 am
Today marks the beginning of the Volunteers of America annual turkey drive, an all-out effort to get enough of the big birds for Sacramento’s needy.
Donations of fresh or frozen turkeys will be accepted from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. through Nov. 25 at the VOA’s central kitchen, 700 North 5th St., which is just north of Richards Boulevard. Turkey is the main course in holiday meals fo...
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